Do you have someone in your team who constantly irritates you or a colleague whom you have nothing in common with? I'm sure that you are not surprised when I say that you are not alone. It has recently been estimated that approximately 25% of a manager's day is spent dealing with unnecessary misunderstanding or conflict.
This is where team building can help. We are all different and we all have different values and work in different ways. Those differences are the critical turning point of being a successful team benefiting from the synergy of differences.
Belbin Team Roles gives participants an understanding of their individual differences and how they can be appreciated and integrated to create effective team working.
We will use part of Dr Meredith Belbin's concept of Belbin Team Role Theory to make a shared frame of reference when talking and estimating individual contributions to team performance. We introduce the concept of Belbin's Team Roles to the participants, starting with an introduction to the theory and a description of the team roles.
The participant will then start the discovery of their own contributions in team work by taking part in a number of different team building activity tasks. After each team task, they have time to reflect on their contributions and how this can be related to the three main categories in Belbin's theory:
People-Orientated Roles
Resource Investigator
Action-Orientated Roles
Completer Finisher
Cerebral-Orientated Roles
Monitor Evaluator